Our Approach to Achieving Personal and Professional Success and Joy!


Our research and experience show us that Elite Performers need to focus on the following key areas to excel professionally and personally:

  • Purpose

  • Time/Priority Management

  • Proper Delegation

  • Physical Health

  • Recovery and Resiliency

  • Strategic Focus

Our latest work-life balance program with a Fortune 500 company showcased remarkable breakthroughs and progress.

Participants began adopting small, meaningful changes in their routines, such as taking regular breaks, disconnecting from work during holidays, and focusing on their well-being. In one example, we challenged participants not to send any emails over a holiday weekend. Those who completed the challenge returned to work on Monday with renewed energy—and the appreciation of their families.

The program’s outcomes were also analyzed through business data at the firm.

  • The decrease in utilization rates among participants averaged 10% - 30% during the six-month period they were working through the program.

  • Contrary to the belief that longer hours create success, participants discovered that by adopting a healthier work-life balance, they could achieve better outcomes—without sacrificing their well-being.

  • The data shows how even small changes can have a significant impact. As work hours decreased to become closer to each individual’s target, productivity metrics did something no one expected to see—they went up!

  • That’s right: working fewer hours led to stronger performance that the firm could tie to revenue.

The takeaways for individuals were also notable. Pre- and post-program surveys revealed:

  • Positive shifts in participants' awareness of unhealthy work behaviors and the need for recovery time in their day.

  • A 30% increased use of "micro chillers" (short breaks to reset and recharge).

  • Improved overall well-being, sensed by both the individuals and their families.

  • A 20% self-reported increase in work-life balance.

Stats aside, the best feedback came from participants’ reactions. Many described how the program empowered them to take control of their lives, make intentional choices, and achieve a healthier balance between work and personal commitments:

"...you gave me a lot to think on and I have been able to make some improvements which have helped me to cope much better with the workloads and things I cannot control. I appreciate everything you both do and I hope this is just the start of your program at our company.

"I really appreciate our company providing this opportunity. I have learned how to better manage my calendar by blocking a few times during the week so I can get more accomplished during the day instead of doing so much work at night."

"I have improved my ability to take better care of myself, exercising, drinking water and taking a few breaks or pauses to help clear my mind. Though I have a lot more work to do to get where I want, I feel good about the progress I have made - Thank you."